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Ahmed R. Sayed
Hussein I. Anis

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Ahmed R. Sayed
Hussein I. Anis

WSEAS Transactions on Circuits and Systems

Print ISSN: 1109-2734
E-ISSN: 2224-266X

Volume 17, 2018

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Volume 16, 2017

Technical and Economic Feasibility of Passive Shielding Used to Mitigate Power Lines’ Magnetic Fields

AUTHORS: Ahmed R. Sayed, Hussein I. Anis

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ABSTRACT: This paper targets optimal reduction in overhead power lines’ magnetic fields using passive shielding. The combined technical and economic feasibility of using mitigation is assessed. Case studies include different power lines with two different phase arrangements and different configurations. Zone-based mitigation -rather than point-based- is applied by modifying the objective function to be based on a specific geographic domain, at which magnetic field is desired to be minimal. To obtain the feasibility of magnetic field mitigation for a power line, the cost of passive shielding is modeled using four basic cost parameters. Genetic algorithm is used to optimize passive shielding as a multi-objective problem. The problem is made up of two main objective functions: maximization of the magnetic field reduction and minimization of the cost of mitigation. A new Feasibility Index, which assesses the feasibility and effectiveness of mitigation of a line is defined and formulated.

KEYWORDS: - Passive shielding, Transmission lines, Magnetic fields, Cost-optimization, Genetic Algorithms, Multi-objective optimization.


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WSEAS Transactions on Circuits and Systems, ISSN / E-ISSN: 1109-2734 / 2224-266X, Volume 17, 2018, Art. #6, pp. 38-46

Copyright © 2018 Author(s) retain the copyright of this article. This article is published under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0

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